
His Royal Highness

As the king of United Kingdom, he was just an ordinary royal celebrity under the constitutional monarchy, without any goddamned significant senses. And the time ended when an American woman called Mrs Wallis Simpson ran into his no more flatter monarchic life.

As a twice-divorced woman, Mrs Simpson would not have been acceptable as Queen.

The Crown, or the beauty,-that’s the question.
Simply big bullshit! Just like LIFE.

After the Royal Assent to His Majesty’s Declaration of Abdication Act, by which he and any children he might have were excluded from succession to the throne, Edward VIII married Wallis Simpson in a ceremony in France as Duke of Windsor.

Like an ending of prince & princess in sort of fairy tales?

That’s exactly what an idol had done with gentleman style of H.R.H. in vogue. I swear to God.

One Response to “H.R.H.”

  1. prejudice says:

    i’m not prince charming.

    but i could be a king some day.

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