Sexy Teachers: Singapore in Headlines on 24 January 2013

Nederland Queen in Singapore


Singapore accepts scholarship applications

THE Singapore Embassy is accepting applications for college scholarship for the next school year. The s ch o l a r s h i p i s awarded by the Singapore government to Filipino citizens with excellent academic records and a good command of…

Cebu Daily News | 24 Jan 2013 | Philippines | English | Page: 10

Application for Singapore scholarships until Feb 5

The Singapore Embassy is accepting applications for the Singapore Scholarship for academic year 2013/ 2014. The scholarship is awarded by the Singapore Government. This undergraduate scholarship is tenable at the National University of Singapore, the…

The Philippine Star | 24 Jan 2013 | Philippines | English | Page: 15



Singapore’s CPI AllItems inflation up 4.3 pct in December

SINGAPORE: Singapore’s consumer price index ( CPI) All-Item inflation rose by 4.3 per cent in December 2012 from 3.9 per cent in the previous month due to higher costs of accommodation and cars. A joint statement by the Monetary Authority of Singapore…

The Borneo Post | 24 Jan 2013 | Malaysia | English | Page: 48



Singapore Airlines to step up investment

Singapore Airlines Ltd plans to increase its capital expenditure for the next five years by 67 per cent to buy new planes and improve its cabins, as it battles for market share in an industry facing declining demand from the important corporate…Dowjones Singapore, Jan. 23

The Hindu Business Line | 24 Jan 2013 | India | English | Page: 14



Singapore Airlines Steps Up Investment

SINGAPORE— Singapore Airlines Ltd. plans to raise its capital spending 67% over the next five years as the company battles for market share in an industry facing declining corporate demand. The country’s flagship airline said it plans to buy new…BY GAURAV RAGHUVANSHI

The Wall Street Journal Asia | 24 Jan 2013 | International | English | Page: 23


Hong Kong

學界屢爆醜聞 首訂教師行為指引

【本報訊】新加坡教育界近來屢爆醜聞,不僅引起輿論嘩然,更挑動當地教育界的保守神經。據傳媒…下重藥整肅該股歪風,首次訂立教師行為的指引,望能挽救教師的專業形象。據新加坡《聯合早報》報道,教育部門最近首次制訂名為《教育工作者的專業行為守則… 東方互動 – 1月24日

愛露事業線 星洲Miss惹火

新加坡網民近日瘋傳一批據指是一名年輕女教師的性感生活照片,在獅城惹起道德激辯。相中的她打扮性感惹火,露出事業線…穿浴袍坐在床邊,露出大半香肩,更一邊品酒,意態撩人。網民起底後,指相中人是一名三十一歲的中學女教師,在新加坡國立大學畢業後,○七年開始執教鞭,任教化學和數學。網民其後亦發現疑是該名女教師與外國男性友人的親暱自拍照… 東方互動 – 1月24日



澳男罵人在新加坡被捕 但不會遭受鞭刑

…記者俞建新澳洲悉尼編譯報導)澳洲外交部昨日表示,在飛往新加坡國際航班上因罵人而在新加坡被捕的澳洲男子不會遭到鞭刑…行為。 格裡菲思得到了澳洲政府的領事幫助,並僱用了一名新加坡律師,但對此事拒絕置評。 (責任編輯:李熔石)

大紀元時報 – 1月24日

按百萬個讚 星男承諾生第4胎

(中央社記者呂欣憓新加坡23日專電)1名新加坡男子在臉書上號召網友幫他按讚,聲稱只要收集到100萬個…100萬個讚,以及挪威男子聲稱收集網友100萬個讚就要和好朋友上床的新聞傳出,新加坡男子張杰迦也如法炮製。 張杰迦21日拿著1張標語拍照後上傳臉書,標語上說他…

中央社 – 1月23日

Singapore Airlines - Luxury

新航頂級商務客艙 有獨立床可好眠

新加坡航空的A380客機,是目前全球最大的廣體客機,新航今天(24號)特別在台北公開…公分的獨立睡床,旅客可以在旅程中舒適的休息。不過,最近的航程要從台北飛新加坡再轉澳洲,票價十八萬台幣並不便宜。(閻大富報導) 「豪華商務套房客艙」是…



South Korea

싱가포르 방문한 베아트리스 네덜란드 여왕 뉴시스

【싱가포르=신화/뉴시스】 24일 싱가포르 이스타나궁에서 토니 탄 켄 얌 싱가포르 대통령(왼쪽에서 두번째)과… (왼쪽에서 첫번째)이 의장대를 사열하고 있다. 베아트리스 여왕은 이틀 간의 일정으로 싱가포르를 방문했다.

AG 조직위-싱가포르 대사 “협력” 기호일보

피터 탄 하이 추안(Peter Tan Hai Chuan)주한 싱가포르대사… 포함한 싱가포르 NOC(각국올림픽위원회)의 적극적… 아시안게임에 싱가포르 팀이 역대 최고의 성적을… 개최한 싱가포르는 광저우 아시안게임 및 2009년…

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